News Archive

Current Front Page Articles

New York State Math Stars Compete in Albany
New York State Math Stars Shine in Albany
Why Children Are Anxious About Mathematics
New York Student Shares Love for First in Math
Brothers Achieve Success in More Ways Than One
Cottonwood Elementary Students’ Achievements in Math Add Up to New Bicycles
First In Math Students Reach Milestone During Difficult Year
First In Math Named 2020 AACPS Partner of the Year
New Jersey Students Take 24® Game Tournament Online
Top First In Math Kindergarten Team in the Nation Meets Inventor
First In Math A Family Affair for 2020 Top Ten Champion
2019-2020 Top Ten Rankings Competition Special Announcement

Previously Featured Articles

New Games Focus on Subtraction Skills

New subtraction games help students to not only internalize subtraction facts, but also visualize the process of subtracting.


Rock Star Badges Awarded to Top Math Students

Did you know First In Math Player of the Day badges are made alongside backstage passes and VIP badges for the world's largest bands and sports teams?


First In Math Inventor Offers Thoughts on Achieving Focus, Rigor in Math Class

An article written by Sun was recently published in the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics newsletter.


FIM Asks Students "What Do You Know?"

First In Math offers What Do You Know, a new pre- and post-test module that gives formative assessment of a student's skill in solving word problems.


Lynn Woods Elementary Students Achieve Success Through First In Math

The First In Math Online Program has taken over Lynn Woods Elementary School "like a craze."


Florida’s Manatee Bay Elementary 2013 National Champions

After a period of close competition among more than six thousand U.S. schools, Manatee Bay Elementary emerged as National Champion in the First In Math Online Program for the 2012-2013 school year.


First In Math Big Bang Contest Winner

A Team of Erie Diocese fourth-graders at St. George’s School were the closest in their prediction of the exact moment when the total sticker count on the First In Math site would reach the one-billion-sticker mark


FIM National Family Link Winners Honored

Robert Sun paid a visit to Moravian Academy on May 28, 2013, to honor the #6-ranked First In Math Family Link player in the Nation, Erika Roth.


Cobb County School District Student Earns First In Math National Top Ten Award

Fifth grader Amish Panchumarthy solved more than 147,000 math problems on his way to becoming the #1 First In Math player in Georgia.


First In Math Program Closing in on One Billion Stickers Earned in a Season

The First In Math Online Program is growing by leaps and bounds, and that speaks volumes about the future of math education in America.


Robert Sun Speaks at National Council of Supervisors of Math Annual Meeting

First In Math® Creator Robert Sun spoke to educators at the 45th National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Annual Conference.


District of Columbia Public Schools Complete Inaugural First In Math March Madness Competition

Simon Elementary School students carried through on an amazing Cinderella story and secured the win in DCPS March Madness Tournament.


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