
June 1, 2024

These students work all year long with their teachers to develop these [math] skills, and now they're actually able to apply them to show that here in New York, there's amazing teaching and learning happening! We're also really excited to be continuing our partnership with First In Math.

David Frank, Chief of Staff, NY State Education Dept. Commissioner Betty Rosa
New York State Education Department, Albany, NY

February 7, 2024

In my 34 years as an educator, I have NEVER worked with a company whose top executives are so genuinely passionate about student success as those at First In Math! I have NEVER had the pleasure of interacting with the inventor of a program and owner of a company where I could honestly and openly share my experiences in the schoolhouse. Bob Sun and his team have visited my Title I school numerous times over the last 10 years with the sole purpose of meeting with my math resource teacher, my classroom teachers, and my students. Bob loves to go into classrooms to share his personal and professional story to motivate my students to work hard and always do their very best! FIM is exceptional and truly a gift to education! Thank you, Bob, for turning your childhood experiences into something wonderful for all children!

Laura F. Cooke, Principal
Maryland City Elementary School, Anne Arundel County Public Schools, Laurel, MD

January 2, 2024

THANK YOU!!! We saw a 10% increase in math PSSA scores this year! And 5 of our kids are eligible to skip 5th grade math in the fall and move from 4th to 6th! Giving full credit to FIRST IN MATH!!! :-)

Timothy Bickhart, Principal
Bridgeport Elementary School, Upper Merion Area School District, Bridgeport, PA

May 22, 2023

We have an entire class of Grand Champions! These 20 students worked so hard to reach this goal and they supported, encouraged, and celebrated with each other. It was amazing to witness the teamwork and positive energy of these 10- and 11-year-old students. Additionally, First in Math provided them with the opportunity to deepen their number sense and to work at the intermediate levels. Fact fluency has greatly increased, and they are no longer anxious about word problems thanks to "Know and Show". Your program gave them confidence and a tremendous sense of accomplishment as together, they reached the goal they created — to have an entire class of Grand Champions.

Donna McGough, 5th Grade Teacher
Wedgwood Elementary, Washington Township Public Schools, Sewell, NJ

March 18, 2022

I have been affiliated with 24 game and First in Math for 29 years as an educator in PAs public schools as an elementary teacher and elementary school principal. It is my belief that First in Math is the greatest math resource available today that needs to be in the hands of every student. The research shows that it works!

Timothy Bickhart, Principal
Bridgeport Elementary, Upper Merion Area School District, Bridgeport. PA

February 22, 2022

Our students at Saint Francis de Sales School have significantly improved their understanding of mathematical concepts, problem solving skills, and the rapid recall of basic facts. Their scores in the Terra Nova Standardized Program attest to this fact. In addition, we have found the students' participation in this program to be a source of motivation in achieving their personal best. This has helped to raise their self-confidence in their ability to problem solve and engage in higher level thinking skills. Reaching students at an early age, and giving families tools to engage with them, will ensure that students are ready for more challenging coursework in later years and will be able to take advantage of the opportunities available in a world that increasingly needs individual with strong STEM skills.

In a post-COVID-19 pandemic time, it is especially important to provide math resources and learning tools that can help students bridge the learning loss.

Sister Mary McNulty, IHM, Principal
Saint Francis de Sales School, Philadelphia, PA

December 4, 2021

This is why I love First In Math: They look beyond "fluency" as just facts. They delve into procedural fluency, critical thinking & computational fluency! All very relevant & fits the needs/abilities of a variety of learners!

Kimberly O'Neal, Lead Academic Interventionist
Klein Independent School District, Klein, TX (via Twitter)

November 9, 2021

Thank you for this program! Our classroom buzzes when we announce our POTD [Player Of The Day]!!! It has sure helped with our district saying this year, #bestyearyet!

Allison Church, Grade 2 Teacher, Pleasant Valley ES
Altoona Area SD, Altoona, PA (via Twitter)

May 1, 2021

While I was talking to a 2nd grade teacher in the hallway this week, a student from another class saw me and came out wiggling and dancing, 'I love fractions and integers.' He has blossomed thanks to First in Math.

David Leith, Instructional Specialist
Theiss Elementary, Klein ISD, Klein, TX

April 14, 2021

[First In Math] has been proven to greatly improve student fluency in several areas, multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction. We have found that a new love for math has been created and students tend to push themselves harder due to the program ... by far the most creative and effective online program on the market. Students are engaged in learning and have shown tremendous improvement in number sense and problem-solving skills. (full story)

Melissa Davis, Principal
Comanche Springs Elementary (Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD), Fort Worth, TX

April 12, 2021

One instructional challenge of the pandemic has been finding fun, challenging, and relevant web-based programming that students can use from home to strengthen foundational skills.

Too often such programming is either boringly simple or painfully difficult. First In Math has been just right – providing engaging, meaningful learning experiences that teachers can use to introduce, refresh, or extend important skills. Bethlehem students enjoy the games and challenges, and we have seen improvement in students' math skills when they meet their individual FIM goals.

First In Math has been an MVP during the pandemic.

Dr. Jack Silva, Chief Academic Officer
Bethlehem Area School District, Bethlehem, PA

January 14, 2021

I just want to say that First in Math was a lifesaver with my daughter last year. Now she is doing great in math in 3rd grade and she hated it before. The teacher even said that she is one of the high students in her math class. My other kindergarten daughter is so excited to be able to play this year just like she watched her sister last year. (She's the top player in her class!) 

Sarah Yerk, 2nd grade E-Classroom Teacher, Fountain Hill & Asa Packer Schools
Bethlehem Area SD, Bethlehem, PA

October 16, 2020

By far the most effective online math program I’ve ever used!! Thank you First In Math for keeping our students engaged while improving their number sense and problem solving skills!!

Samantha Brown, Grade 2 Math Teacher, Freetown ES
Anne Arundel County Public Schools (via Twitter)

August 20, 2020

We LOVE First in Math and how supportive they are of students, teachers, and families. They listen to feedback and make an amazing resource even better! Can't wait to see what our students accomplish this year! Let's get started!

Beth Michaels, Teacher, Fort Washington ES
Upper Dublin School District, PA (via Twitter)

July 2, 2020

I'm a huge fan of First In Math for many reasons. From the data, the intentional goal-setting, to the engaging games, but I think what I love the most is the low-floor, high-ceiling...First In Math meets all my mathematicians' needs. (watch video)

Jennifer Gleason, Grade 3 Teacher, Crofton Meadows Elementary School
Anne Arundel County Public Schools, Crofton, MD

July 1, 2020

I wanted to learn all the games so that I could be a role model, and I got hooked on the learning experience right along with my students. I am especially enthused by how First In Math enables so many students to meaningfully learn and apply math above their grade-level expectations.
(Mr. Leith is the FIM 2020 Dr. Lola J. May Award winner)

David Leith, Instructional Specialist, Theiss Elementary
Klein Independent School District, Klein, TX

June 23, 2020

Congratulations ⁦Robert Sun and ⁦First In Math⁩ on this prestigious [2020 Anne Arundel County Public Schools PARTNER OF THE YEAR] ​award! Your unwavering commitment to educating children is beyond measure! YOU are the GRAND CHAMPIONS of educational innovation!

Southgate ES Math Department,
Anne Arundel County Public Schools, Glen Burnie, MD (via twitter)

June 16, 2020

Easton Area Middle School children LOVE First in Math so much that they take it home with them, that is the reason why our scores are so high! ROVER PROUD!

Dr. Charlene Symia, Principal
Easton Area Middle School, Easton, PA (via Twitter)

June 13, 2020

First In Math is such an important component of eLearning for our students & families. When Students are on ⁦First In Math their engagement with technology is of the highest quality, and beneficial towards their growth with mathematics.

Penny Alberti, Elementary Mathematics Resource Teacher
Anne Arundel County Public Schools, MD

June 12, 2020

Wanted to share these pictures of my girls enjoying FIM at home. They just started a few days ago and are hooked! All they want to do is First in Math once they get the rest of their work done, and they are telling me about the games, and their sticker counts! They are 7 years old going into 3rd grade.

Marc Horowitz, M. Ed.
Flamingo ES, Broward County Public Schools, Davie, FL

April 22, 2020

4.35 million math problems solved by VF Elementary kids just this school year with First in Math. #ButterflyEffect They are planting seeds for the future in math, science, coding & finance work.

Jennifer Kling, Elementary STEM, SASD
Souderton, PA (via Twitter)

April 21, 2020

We are SO happy and excited to bring this amazing opportunity to our youngest learners. We know this program doesn’t just create stickers for our school, it creates mathematicians!!! Thank you First In Math for creating this opportunity.

Miss Birkbeck, Teacher
CRSD, Newtown, PA (via Twitter)

April 20, 2020

On March 10, it was clear that school closures in India, US, and the UK were going into effect sooner rather than later due to the worldwide COVID-19 crisis. Our founder & inventor, Robert Sun, launched a global First In Math Online initiative to ensure schools could continue to engage students with mathematics. Lack of math practice = loss of skill retention & increasing fluency gap. That happens when a subject has spiraling curriculum. It has been deeply satisfying to see schools come on board quickly to prevent the "math skills slide". Since March, more than 60,000 new classrooms have registered. The important question is, "are they doing the math"? Yes, and then some! The number of problems solved since closure is 153,648,203 & rising. We are blessed to serve children from rural Jharkhand to elite academies in Pennsylvania, to schools of New York City. FIM works for any child, at any skill level, from any socio-economic background, in any country. The power of math does not differentiate a race, culture, country, color, or income!

Monica Patel, CEO
First In Math India Pvt. Ltd.

March 26, 2020

We are very grateful for our First In Math! In just three years, our new public STEM school has been 'A' rated in Arizona, top in our small town, SARSEF endorsed, Rated Top SARSEF School in Southern AZ and STEM certified through Cognia! (SARSEF is southern Arizona regional science and engineering fair). We know that FIM is a part of what makes us great! Our kids are on the program, we use it in class, and they literally compete to get ahead of themselves and each other. Thank you so much for all you do to make this great for our kids!

Nicole Tilicki, Grade 3-5 Teacher & Math Coordinator
Innovation Academy, Amphitheater PSD, AZ

March 19, 2020

During this time of isolation, First In Math has been the primary tool allowing me to keep my class focused on educational outcomes. Kids are playing as much as they would be if we were still in school - allowing my students to stay together as a class.

Shawn Collier, Teacher
Farmersville Elementary, BASD, Bethlehem, PA

February 24, 2020

I attended your amazing training in Upper Dublin a few weeks ago. Our students and teachers are VERY motivated by the Goals Index wheel, and we are currently holding a competition in our school focusing on different quadrants of the wheel. The kids are constantly looking for me in the hallway to report the number on their wheel. Thanks for all that you do and the love of math you are instilling in our kids!

Kathleen Place, Instructional Support Specialist
Fort Washington ES, Upper Dublin SD, Fort Washington, PA

February 4, 2020

I'm really excited to keep moving forward with First In Math. Over the last two years, we have seen a dramatic increase in our math scores. Not only [within] First In Math, but even in our standardized test scores and on our everyday math tests. Our PSSA (Pennsylvania System of School Assessment) scores last year, from 2018 to 2019, went up 28% just in one year. I'm excited to see where that continues. We're going to keep on moving forward, and using First In Math can really help us get there.

Eric Fontanez, Principal
Marvine Elementary School, Bethlehem Area School District, Bethlehem, PA

February 4, 2020

Overall, my experience with First In Math—and I know my students' experiences—they're entertained, they're educated, they're challenged, and they're motivated to go on and do better things.

John Phillips, 4th Grade Math Teacher
Marvine Elementary School, Bethlehem Area School District, Bethlehem, PA

November 20, 2019

It's the greatest feeling seeing third graders geeking out over algebra problems first thing in the morning. Thank you First In Math for inspiring these students to love math! #makeitfun #lovewhatyoudo

Sonia Batista ( @Ms_Batista5 ), 5th Grade Teacher, Oak Tree Road School, Iselin, NJ
(via Twitter)

October 10, 2019

After my daughter picked out her clothes today, she said, “I hope this outfit matches my necklace.”

I asked, “What necklace?” She responded, “Player of the Day!”

Yesterday this 3rd grader almost finished Division VIFs! Thank you First In Math and Spring Garden Elementary for keeping her engaged & challenged!

Tammy Lyons, Parent & 4th Grade Teacher
Lincoln ES, Bethlehem Area SD, Bethlehem, PA

September 10, 2019

I was introduced to the 24 [Game] competition twenty years ago! When First in Math came along, I introduced it to my students and colleagues. I can’t sing it’s praises enough. This week, after getting my new students logged on, I got a message from a parent. She told me her son met her at the bus stop DANCING with excitement [about FIM]. She said it was the BEST day ever. THAT’S what it’s all about!

Evelyn Metcalf, MAT
K-2 Horizons, Barringer Academic Center, NC

July 9, 2019

I look forward to Goodnoe's 14th year using First In Math! FIM remains current and allows me—and our students— to grow. You and your company are #1. Your support and expertise are greatly appreciated, they continue to drive us to maintain OUR greatness!

Charyl Kerns Hills, Elementary Math / Tech Integration Specialist
Goodnoe Elementary Schools

April 25, 2019

I firmly believe in First In Math & the long term impact it can have on authentic student fluency. This article is a thorough explanation of why: A Research-Based Approach to Math Fact Fluency (That Also Promotes A Love of Mathematics!)

Kimberly O'Neal, Elem. Math Coordinator, Teaching & Learning Team, Klein ISD
(via Twitter)

February 2, 2019
Just got the sweetest message on a Saturday morning from a parent. Her child just hit 20,000 stickers in @FirstInMath and he wanted me to know! I love that this program unlocks so much more than ‘games’ for these budding mathematicians!

Jenn Gleason,
Crofton Meadows ES, Anne Arundel County Public Schools, MD (via Twitter)

November 14, 2018

When others saw my son succeed—and have fun—a very unique mix of athletes and scholars began to compete and learn. This program gives all types of kids an opportunity to interact with their peers in a positive way about math.

Chris Pfahl, Parent of Breakfast Point Academy, FL student
Part of a 2018-19 National Top 10 Family Link™ Team

August 7, 2018
Love @FirstInMath Can’t wait to start my 18th year with the program. Awesome coding at Computational Thinking section (CT). The program continues to grow and get better each year.

Charyl Kerns Hills, Elementary Math Specialist
Goodnoe ES (via twitter)

July 17, 2018
Our homeschool math session is over for the day and she’s just addicted to learning. I love @FirstInMath - was sad to see it leave my school district where I teach so I purchased a subscription for my girl who is now being homeschooled. Our SUMMER SESSION of schooling is in full swing.

Sherrie Yvette Wilkins, 2017-2018 Burlington County NJ Teacher of the Year
(via Twitter)

May 15, 2018
Our students are rid of the fear of maths! They are now seeking challenges as First In Math has given our students creativity in problem-solving and deep critical thinking skills. For the past two years, our school has been the Top School on FIM National Rankings, and last year our students solved 12 million maths problems – all with a sense of joy.

Seema Jerath, Principal
Darbari Lal Foundation Public School, Ghaziabad, India. (Winner of Advaith Foundation School Leadership Awards as ‘India’s 8 School Leaders who Strengthen Education Systems’)

May 10, 2018
Thank you so much! First In Math has made such a difference in our class. The challenging questions were an amazing extension for my AC math students!

Vina Evans,
(via Twitter)

March 25, 2018
I saw fewer basic math mistakes on my unit 7 test this week. First In Math GYMS made a difference.

Dawn Jacobs,
(via Twitter)

March 2, 2018
My daughter was never interested in maths. In just two months, she gained interest, stopped playing all video games, became confident and started to solve maths questions quickly after she started FIM. With the VIFs Module, her calculations have become quick and accurate. She now goes to her elder brother and asks him to solve word problems related to probability as he started probability, and she is already doing it at grade 5! My son wishes he had FIM when he was growing up.

Ms. Vishakha, Mother & Senior Maths Teacher for Grades 9 & 10
Ryan Global School, Mumbai, India.

January 24, 2018

First In Math gave me a platform to work with. I tried flash cards, other programs, everything, and just lost hope because nothing worked. FIM was the direction and guide I needed to help me teach my children.

Sergeant H., Retired US Army & Parent of Joshua, Grade 3
Hughbanks ES, Rialto USD, California

January 16, 2018
Practice and persistence make you good at math. Our students use the First in Math online program. Kids can individualize it for themselves because there is a great deal of choice. As they move at their own pace, teachers can track understanding and tailor lessons accordingly.

Sarah Bax, Math Teacher
Hardy Middle School, Washington, DC

January 11, 2018
Here's the best part of First In Math...the growth in math fluency is real! [Typical] pre-test scores after a month of studying traditionally for Mad Minute tests--[Increased] post-test scores after a month of First in Math.

Jeff Sinkinson, Souderton Area School Disrict
(via Twitter)

December 1, 2017
My Kids can’t wait to sign on daily. Thanks for creating an engaging program.

Jessica Coleman,
(via Twitter)

September 23, 2017
We are glad that our students have taken to First In Math like 'fish to water'. We are very confident that this platform will help our schools strengthen the academic rigour in Mathematics.

Mohamed Rizwan, Vice Principal
Indus International School, Hyderabad, India

August 23, 2017
As students discover their own potential and make the connection between effort and achievement, initiative has turned to ownership. Each year, as students begin a new academic session, the first question they ask is “Where is our First In Math Login ID?”

Suresh Thangarajan, Coordinator of Curriculum & PD, HOD Maths
The Good Shepherd International School, Ooty, India

August 16, 2017
I’m so proud of what our kids have accomplished. The friendly competitive spirit that First In Math has helped engender is now part of who we are as a school.

Dr. Frank Fischel, Principal
Mountain View Elementary School, Flanders NJ

July 6, 2017
First thing we discuss with our students after “good morning” is First In Math…deep and exciting discussion of games, strategies, ideas. What a happy way to start the day with ‘Player of the Day’!

Harsha Gandhi and Niral Gada, Grade 2 maths teachers & FIM Top Educator Players
JBCN International School, Mumbai, India

May 10, 2017

My participation with FIM over the last eight years has been wonderful and rewarding. The evolution of challenges has been outstanding, and has truly helped my students to become better, faster, and more fluid with mental math skills.

Chris Sakers,
Southwest Academy Magnet School in Baltimore, MD

March 17, 2017
I am in awe of the minds behind First in Math—and was happy to learn that the core programming team includes a woman. I use First In Math to help immerse students into the digital-learning world, and I supplement the program’s virtual rewards with small prizes each time someone in my school earns a group of 1,000 stickers. If my ‘swag box’ is empty, I offer up a 1,000-sticker song and dance that I perform. (Sometimes I think the students empty the box on purpose!)

Jennifer Kling, M.S., Technology Teacher
Vernfield Elementary School

January 9, 2017
I am really happy that we have introduced First In Math in our school. Lots of children come up to me and ask for extra time and lab access to do FIM, which is very encouraging. This is truly a path-breaking way to learn math. I want more and more parents to know about this and appreciate what this program can do for their children.

Vivek Agarwal, Director
Himalayan International Residential School, West Bengal, India

October 10, 2016
I see the tremendous progress in our little girl and we hope that she continues to explore and delve into the beautiful world of Maths! Thank you Mr. Sun and the entire team of ‘First in Math’ for this! We owe you a big one!

Mrs. George, Parent of Grade 1 student
Founder & CEO, The India Fitness Connect Pvt. Ltd.

December 3, 2015
I am happy to support First In Math as I have been using it for 7 years now and enjoy seeing its development, and strategies it helps create for learners in grasping numerical understandings.

Jonathan Mackel, Guidance Learning Support & ICT
Lathallan School, Johnshaven, Scotland

November 16, 2015
I wanted to thank you for the opportunity for Reidenbaugh Elementary to shine. My son continues to work on First in Math everyday. Each day he tells me about his point total for the day and the week. He’s shared that he’s trying the fifth through seventh grade problems, delighted that he has found some success with these even though he’s in fourth grade. The First in Math site is just wonderful for someone like him who really loves math and desires the extra stimulation and challenge.

Dr. Christine Jurasinski, Parent, fourth grade student
Reidenbaugh Elementary School

November 3, 2015
My students race into the classroom every morning trying to be the first to take command of any available computer. At home, my husband and I sit together each morning over coffee finding all the possible solutions for the Card of the Day, then I share it on the Smart Board at school for the class to solve.

Umbrenda Fisher, 4th Grade Teacher
Bond Mill Elementary School, Laurel, MD

July 7, 2015

Landing a "Best of Show" award at ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), First In Math aims to take math work and provide a fun, impactful learning experience. Used by over 10 million students in the U.S and boasting over 17 billion problems solved to date, the standards aligned program utilizes digital gaming to facilitate deep practice among students in Grades K to 8. In Philadelphia, its implementation reportedly saw math proficiency scores rise from 21% to 59%. (Education Dive article link)

Roger Riddell, Editor, K-12
Education Dive Website

June 2, 2015
There is such value in this program. Students work at their own pace and set their own personal goals. It allows kids who need a little extra help a chance to work on their skills and it allows kids who excel to go beyond what is taught in the classroom.

Dr. Frank Fischel, Principal
Mountain View Elementary School, Flanders, NJ

December 12, 2014
Just got a call from a sixth grade teacher. Half her class is refusing to go to RECESS because they’re on laptops working on First in Math! The upgrades to the program are excellent. Wow. Thanks again.

Leigh Duncan, Curriculum Specialist
McKinley Elementary, Elkins Park, PA

September 22, 2014
During my first exposure to FIM I was struck by the depth of design and the genius of presenting the content in seamless progression, thus completely engaging the student. First In Math creates a lifelong love for learning maths – the mother of all sciences.

Ms. Sangita Chima, Headmistress
Lovedale, Ooty, TN, India

December 16, 2013
Gadsden Independent School District implemented a district-wide pilot of the First In Math program during the 2012-13 school year. The program was integral to our overall strategies for math achievement. We are delighted with the results. Most of our schools saw increases in the NMSBA math scores. The two elementary schools who used the program most diligently saw 14-point and 24-point increases. -We plan to build on that improvement in the upcoming year.

George Manriquez, Mathematics Director
Gadsden Independent School District, Sunland Park, New Mexico

October 21, 2013
Thanks for all the work you do. First in Math has made a huge impact on my students. The first few years I was the only teacher on my site using the program. Now our entire school district has piloted the program and our school is using it with K-6 grades. Keep up the great work!

Dawn Burgess, 4th Grade Teacher
Plaza Vista School, CA

October 3, 2013
First In Math is like a craze! Our students also play it on their own time at home. Last year there was more of a need for this program because I needed MCAS scores to improve. This year the students needed little incentive because they simply like the program. First In Math is just another avenue for learning, it’s this generation, this is what they know, technology. It makes sense to give them what they know.

Ellen Fritz, Principal
Lynn Woods E.S.

November 5, 2012
My students absolutely love your program. In the past, I have used paper and pencil drills to memorize the facts. The First in Math program has changed all of that. Now the class is excited to get on the computers and learn their facts. Even students without an internet connection at home are going to the public library or a relative's house to play. I look forward to even better math scores this year.

John Wood, 4th grade Teacher
Live Oak School, CA

April 4, 2012
Being back in the classroom has helped me see the value of FIM from a different perspective. My students come to me almost every day asking who the Player of the Day is. They also let me know when they've hit big milestones. I print color FIM certificates for them, and they love earning and receiving them. I just awarded a 5,000- and a 6,000-sticker certificate today! Love FIM for so many reasons—just wish I had time to play more myself!

Anita Schuler, M.Ed, 4th-grade Teacher
Hoover Elementary School, Pittsburgh, PA

October 1, 2011
Our school received our FIM materials this week. This is the third year our district has participated. I just had to write and tell you that I think the changes you have made since last year are amazing. I like the section that allows me to see exactly how well each student has done on the activities they have completed. I found it interesting to see just how many of my students had played already today. Not everyone has access to a computer at home, but nearly half of my students were working on math today—a Saturday.

I like the way you now display the activities in the 'play' part of the site. I'm sure the kids had no trouble figuring out how to get started. I had to think about it a bit longer as I am not one who is familiar with video games. My class was in the computer lab yesterday afternoon and you could have almost heard a pin drop. My 'not so quiet' group was intent on earning stickers. I couldn't help but smile as I observed several quiet celebrations when individual students completed an activity and gained some stickers. Thank you for producing something that is so appealing to students, and for creating such an exciting way to learn and practice math.

Suzanne Hines, 5th-grade Teacher
Memorial Park ES, Euclid, OH

May 1, 2011
My class started late with the First In Math program and I was truly amazed at the interest and determination it created in my students...motivation was NO problem! Not only did they learn math and improve their ability to focus, they also learned the importance of setting and achieving daily short-term goals to eventually achieve goals that in the beginning were only dreams.

Joel Stockton, 5th-grade Teacher
Cavazos Elementary, La Joya ISD, TX

February 21, 2011
I have a bilingual 2nd grade class and we LOVE the First in Math Online Program! We only have four computers in our class and the students take turns getting on. It is fantastic for my students that struggle with language; they have confidence in themselves due to their success on First in Math. They love competing with each other, and their skill and speed have greatly increased since they started using the program.

I am also a mom to a 6th grader in our school district, and she loves FIM as well. We have to schedule time on the computer since we both want to play! She is the top student at her school and I am the top educator for our district. I have never been so pleased with a product!

Marissa Ward, 2nd Grade Bilingual Teacher
Washington Avenue Elementary School, Pleasantville, NJ

November 18, 2010
I have to tell you that the First in Math program is a hit in our household! My two sons are advanced in math, as is a neighbor boy. They all got involved in the program over a 4-day weekend. It actually requires much more thinking at the higher levels, which engaged my 10th-grader, who is already taking pre-calculus. My 5th-grader is in the fractions section now. He loves the stickers.

I see this not just being remedial, but a great way to increase mental-math thinking, since the kids have to essentially come up with the equation that equals the answer. If a kid is willing to switch from X-box to do this, the game offers something.

Andrew Stetkevich, Staff Development Specialist
Special Education Services
Riverside Unified School District, Riverside CA

November 10, 2010
I wanted to thank you for the Skip Counting game you created recently. This is PERFECT for my 2nd graders! We have been working on number patterns and were able to play the game as a whole class in the Practice mode on the Smartboard. Then students were able to go home and practice the game on their own.

They have really enjoyed this game, in addition to the other K-2 games. I greatly appreciate the time you’ve dedicated to working on K-2 World. I have been using the games in K-2 World a LOT recently as part of my daily math lessons. My students enjoy playing them as activators for the math lessons, and it really gets them motivated to learn. It also motivates them to go home and play FIM on their own. Thank you again for all your hard work and dedication to the young learners.

Rachael Miller,
Crestview Elementary
Carlisle Area School District, Carlisle, PA

October 28, 2010
Even our unenthusiastic students become motivated to tackle math as a result of the power of First In Math. This program not only fosters a love for mathematics in our reluctant learners, but provides satisfaction for students whose mathematics craving is insatiable! As a STEM magnet school, we consider First In Math a valuable tech tool in building the capacity of our students as they move toward content mastery. As students compete for the perpetual FIM trophy, they also learn the building blocks that create future mathematicians. Go MTM...Go First In Math!

Helen V. Griffith, Principal
Millennial Tech Middle School
San Diego Unified School District, San Diego, CA

April 2, 2010
I teach 7th and 8th graders in a Resource Room for all subjects. We started a trial of First in Math a few months ago and I want to tell you this program has caught their interest like NOTHING I have seen in my 33 years of teaching. Our Principal presented my kids with the FIM trophy in March and they don't want it to leave our room. They work each time they get a break in school and they also use the program at home.

One of my students is Number 1 in Ohio for 8th graders and the Principal presented him with a First in Math t-shirt and read a wonderful note congratulating him on his progress. I have never seen a bigger smile on a student's face. I also have a student ranked Number 4 in Ohio for 7th grade.

Thank you, Suntex, for giving my students an opportunity to love learning, and for rewarding their efforts!! Your program has made a HUGE difference in bolstering their self-confidence and helping them achieve.

Beth Costello, 7th and 8th grade teacher
Girard Jr/Sr High School, Girard, Ohio

March 22, 2010
When I first looked at the First In Math program I did not think I would like it and I did not understand how to use it, but after going to training it all made sense. I figured I'd give the program a shot with my 90 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. During our hectic FCAT (Florida's Comprehensive Assessment Test) days, I spent a few minutes showing the students how to play each of the games and how to navigate through the website.

I used a projector to show the website on the screen. Then as a class we went to the computer lab. I assigned a username and password to each student, which by the way, was the easiest setup I've seen so far, compared to Success Maker or FCAT Explorer. The students logged in and then SUCCESS, SILENCE, and PRACTICE! I had the best day I've had all school year. ALL the students were engaged in the program, practicing math, wanting to 'earn more stickers' and so proud of the amount they each had. I usually am asking them to stop going to other sites, especially music sites and non-approved sites, but not that day! I also put the class Total Sticker Count on the board and each class was determined to beat the class before. It was amazing!

I am in full support of the county purchasing this program for our students next year. I did find that it worked best with my 6th graders. I only have 10 7th graders, but they did enjoy it, as well. The 8th graders had a mixed feeling about it, but were engaged in the website and working—I feel that the little bit of grumbling I heard will diminish once they dig deeper and get into the higher levels where they will see that it is quite challenging. From an intensive math point of view, I want this program for my students. It's as close to hands-on and interactive as I've seen from a website.

Nicole Williams, Intensive Math Teacher
Southwest Middle School, Orlando, FL

February 18, 2010
I've taught algebra for 25 years and when it comes to factoring quadratic equations, kids often have trouble testing all the possible factors. It becomes tedious and some kids just give up. The eighth grade that I have now has been playing 24® since 4th grade. I started the lesson and they worked 87 problems with no frustration at all. I pointed out how good they were at this when one of them said "It's just like 24". He was right. A skill that once took weeks to develop took just 2 classes.

Sister Janelle Banko,
St. Agnes School, West Mifflin, PA

February 4, 2010
I would like to thank Farragut Elementary School (and Boston Public Schools) so much for the "First in Math" program. My daughter loves it and it has helped her a lot with math in general. I have watched her when she does the math games and I am very impressed. It requires quick thinking and has helped her on division and multiplication.

She still has to finish her homework, and read for more than 30 minutes every night before she does math. But now she does not want to watch TV on her free time but wants to do math! Last night she was very happy to share with us the Certificates that she received for First in Math.

In the past, we have used different books and methods to make her do more math, but were not as successful as the program that BPS offered to students. This is one of the best things that BPS has done for their students. I hope other students are taking advantage and using it!

Thank you!

Rozeta Mija, parent

February 4, 2010
First in Math is having huge success here at Dearborn. We have students that come in at 6:30 to wait for the teacher to get in the computer lab to work. Teachers have also indicated that they are seeing direct benefits as a result of their students’ work with FIM. Thank you!!!!!!!

Jose Duarte, Principal
Dearborn Middle School, Boston Public Schools

November 21, 2009
Dear Mr. Sun,

We are writing to thank you for creating the First In Math program. It is an outstanding supplement to our son's education. We fully support and promote the program, and it thrills us to watch it spread to so many other schools across the country.

We believe that the best type of math instruction is individual instruction. Of course, it's not always feasible or cost-effective to provide a student with individual instruction, and current class sizes are more likely to increase rather than decrease as budget cuts inevitably reach our country's education system.

We have found that First In Math offers the next best thing to the gold standard of individual instruction. It allows our son to learn math at exactly his own pace. He is never lost or bored when working on First In Math. Furthermore, the "stickers" and earned Bonus Games encourage him to try his best—which is all any parent can ask for.

We look forward to your continued success with the First In Math program.


Eric and Jennifer Adams,
Bethlehem, PA

October 9, 2009
I just wanted to share an update with you. My entire team passed the MSA (Maryland School Assessment) Math exams, with 60% of them scoring Advanced. This is a first in the history of the school. The results are directly correlated with The First In Math experience. Please thank your team again for such an innovative tool.

Lydia Laidlow, K/1 Teacher
Paint Branch ES, Maryland

April 29, 2009
I am in love with the First In Math program and have been fighting for a long time to get it fully implemented in our schools. I value this program so much, I paid out of my own pocket to make sure all of my students had it. This 2nd-8th program has improved my student’s math automaticity and math PSSA (Pennsylvania State System of Assessment) scores for several years. It does this by creating a highly interactive but controlled use of Math Facts and PSSA-type questions.

The games are addictive, and my students play them in and out of school. I have even had students tell me when their account runs out over the summer because they play that much on their own. The program sets up many incentives, and some children really get into the competitive side of it. Those who do not still enjoy the games, and feel a sense of accomplishment when they achieve goals. As a teacher, it is easy for me to keep track of what my students are doing and if I have rewarded them for their accomplishments, as this is a part of the program.

Students are not bored because of the variety of tasks they can work on, and although I have had third graders complete all of the Skill Sets, my wife, our gifted teacher, and I have never seen a student complete the entire program.

David A. Pegher, Third Grade Teacher
Hershey Primary Elementary School, Hershey, PA

January 13, 2009
I love what First in Math offers to our students. I think the format that First in Math uses to help kids develop their basic math skills is outstanding. The games are fun for the kids, yet students get real skills practice from the repetitive format of the games. There are also so many different types of games—with new ones being added regularly—so kids remain consistently interested and engaged.

I also think it’s great that kids can work on these games at home or at school. The First in Math site is the perfect solution for parents who ask that important question, 'What can I do at home to help my child with math?' Also, as our district’s accountability person, I’m extremely impressed with the amount of performance data that the site provides to teachers and administrators. We have a very good idea what performance skills kids have, and where we can use improvement. I’m completely sold on the value of First of Math for our school district.

Kelley Ridings, Director of Student Achievement
Truth or Consequences Municipal Schools
Truth or Consequences, New Mexico

June 21, 2008
The First In Math Online Program has created an enthusiasm for mathematics unlike any technology program I have experienced in the more than 21 years I have been an educator. Not only does the program provide our students with the fundamentals of fact fluency and problem solving, but many of the activities on the site promote higher order thinking skills which increase student achievement. The program motivates our students through earning FIM stickers and competing with other students nationwide. Two of our elementary schools, Oakridge and Manatee Bay, placed 1st in the nation. The competition is a wonderful motivator for us all.

Miriam Sandbrand, Mathematics Curriculum Specialist, K-5
Broward County Public Schools, Fort Lauderdale, FL

May 22, 2008
My students have learned so much from playing First In Math, and not only about math. The game has been a tremendous rallying point for my students. Every day, since the beginning of the year, someone races to the computer when they first arrive in the classroom to check how many stickers we have earned. That total is recorded on our assignment board and the students copy it so that their parents can see how we have progressed. It has been absolutely thrilling to see how excited my students are about math and how eagerly they are willing to help those who are having trouble understanding a new skill set, game, etc. First In Math has certainly been a big factor in the cohesiveness of my class and the respect my students have for one another!

Debbie Corbets, Teacher
Arthur Road ES, Solon, OH

May 16, 2008
I wanted to say thank you to your organization for such a great job. I must admit that last year when my school implemented the program, I wasn't a believer. This year after coming down to 3rd grade, I realized how beneficial First in Math could be.

My students can compute without using their fingers now. Their confidence in math has greatly increased as well. The Know and Show levels are absolutely wonderful, covering a variety of concepts. Many of my students have completed whole number gyms as well as completing Know and Show 3.

Rocky Stubbs, Third Grade Teacher
Luella Elementary School, Locust Grove, GA

January 11, 2008
Wow! I had my three classes get on First In Math yesterday. It was incredible. We had a wonderful time. My lowest special ed student had a delightful experience. When he got his first "You're hot" message--he turned to me and yelled, "I'm hot!" Then he said, "I think I can manage this myself." It was so great.

My Gifted-Talented students were really into it. They took their ID's and passwords home and went for it. They added many stickers over the evening. When the Scrabble club arrived at 7:30 am, they were all abuzz about First In Math. I am so amazed at the interest level for all students.

I am thankful for the opportunity to have my students experience this. I brought my principal down and showed her the students while they were on the program. She is seeing and feeling the experience with the students.

From an enthusiastic First in Math teacher....

Terri Goyins,
Bear Branch ES, Magnolia, TX

September 27, 2007
Allowing teachers to play is one of the best things you have done. It actually gives teachers a chance to see what it takes to go through the different modules and the thinking process their students are going through in order to solve the problems. Kudos to the Suntex team!

Well, here I am with stacks of papers to grade and what am I doing? I am doing First in Math. My common sense tells me to grade papers, but that little "FIM" bug inside of my brain is taking over and keeps telling me "just one more game"!


Sheri Galbreath,
Northmont Elementary School, La Mesa, CA

November 10, 2006
I love the changes (additions, actually) that you've made for this year!! Everything I wanted on the teacher page is there!! A way to track incentives given for all the games! And great new games! (I love Deep Sea-Quence! I think that will get them early experience with a very important skill)

Thank you, thank you, thank you. You guys are the bomb!

Kathy Eisenberg,
Lea Elementary School, Philadelphia, PA

June 6, 2005
Dear Mr. Sun:

On behalf of the Fountain Hill Elementary School staff and students, we would like to thank you for the awards ceremony that you held for us on Thursday, June 2. We appreciate the time you took to come and spend the afternoon with us to honor the achievements of our students in your First In Math® program. We are also appreciative of the resources and effort you devoted to this ceremony. Finally, we would like to thank you for inviting our School District guests and the local media to join us, so that they too could recognize and honor the achievements of our students.

This letter of thanks is not written just as perfunctory courtesy, but because of what we saw in the faces of the students as they left school on Thursday afternoon. They wore their medals with pride as their classmates looked on them with admiration and indeed shared in the pride of their achievements. Throughout the dismissal areas there were clusters of students gathered around the medal winners examining, touching, admiring the medals and their winners.

As a public school, we have a mission to bring our students the best educational opportunities we are capable of providing. We feel an even stronger sense of commitment to this mission because of the diverse and often disadvantaged backgrounds from which many of our students come. We thank Suntex for the support they have provided to us in this mission and hope that we can continue the symbiosis of this relationship.


Rene Rawhouser, Title 1 Mathematics Support Teacher
Fountain Hill Elementary School
Bethlehem, PA

April 27, 2005
Once again your 24 Math materials have captivated our students here at Georgetown Day School in Washington DC. We have been using your 96 card boxed games for over twelve years. For the past ten years, our third grade classes have continued to use your Jumping Levels Program to motivate our children to practice math facts on a daily basis at home, to prepare for their in-class "jump" each week. Parents continue to respond enthusiastically for this program.

Last winter, we embraced your online program, First in Math®. We enrolled every child in grades 2 through 5, initiated them in how to use the program, communicated to our parents via letters, and sat back and watched magic take place. Our goal was to provide our students with an at-home way to practice basic math facts in a highly motivating way. We hoped our kids would maintain high interest and motivation for this task, which normally becomes drudgery in quick time. First in Math® has captivated our students. Their self-motivation to devote time on task virtually insures success for every type of learner.

What we did not anticipate happening, was that our most talented math students persisted with new concepts and higher levels of game play, forging ahead and basically taught themselves patterns and skills needed to problem solve well above their grade level in school. But children at all levels of math understanding and mastery are successful with this program, because of the program's self-pacing design. We also love how your tracking systems allow our teachers to monitor student's progress.

The student conversation buzz heard in our hallways on a daily basis pertains to their progress through the various levels of play. And on any given afternoon, parents can be overheard raving about First in Math® during their carpool conversations.

No child will be left behind in mathematics, if introduced to this program and provided the opportunity to make use of First in Math® on a regular basis, whether at home or in school.

Best regards,

Mary Lou Berres, Lower School Math Coordinator
Georgetown Day School

April 27, 2005
I am sure you would be pleased to know how successful the First in Math Online Program has been in the Solon City Schools. We are using First in Math in all five of our elementary buildings and every student in Grades 3-7 has a User ID and Password. This incorporates 81 classroom teams and almost 2000 students. These students have earned over 1,100,000 stickers this year!

Our school district has been pleased with the high level of participation and family support of First in Math. With this level of involvement, we have seen improving success with classroom math performance. We expect to see a high percentage of our students at proficient or advanced levels on the Ohio proficiency/achievement tests that were administered in March. The First in Math Program is very motivating to students because of the immediate feedback, the knowledge that they are collecting "electronic stickers" and the team aspect of the program.

Students have benefited because this program allows them to work at their own pace and at a level that is appropriate for them. Our teachers try to differentiate instruction to meet individual student needs and this program helps them to accomplish that in the area of practice with basic math facts. Students have also found greater motivation for math because this program is so engaging and helps to build their confidence.

Teachers like the First in Math Program because it is an excellent complement to our math textbook series. It provides that important drill and practice for basic facts. But teachers also appreciate the fact that this program gives them immediate updates on student progress. Teachers know how many stickers each child has earned and how they are progressing through the skill sets.

We have found the First in Math web site to be of very high quality too. Many students can play at once without any difficulty. Students receive encouraging messages to keep trying and feel confident that their sticker totals are correct. Parents and teachers appreciate the protection of student identity. In addition, I have found your telephone and e-mail support staff to be easily accessible and very helpful with any questions.

I would definitely encourage other school districts to take advantage of the First of Math Program.

Nancy Gallik, Math Resource Teacher K-6
Solon City Schools

April 22, 2005
I am writing to let you know how pleased I am with the success of your First In Math program in our district. For the past three years it has played an important part in helping increase the number of students in the district who are performing at the advanced or proficient levels as measured by the Pennsylvania state mathematics tests (PSSA).

The program is easy to set up, use and monitor. Teachers like it because all of the recordkeeping is done for them and because students can proceed at their own pace and level. It allows all students to be challenged at an appropriate level of difficulty, making it a perfect tool for differentiation. Gifted students are able to be challenged at higher and higher levels of sophisticated mathematical thinking. Many students are exposed to concepts such as algebraic variables or operations with fractions long before these are formally introduced in class. Many students in Pennridge met success with challenges well above their grade level such as the 3rd grade students who are now working in the 7th and 8th grade levels of the program. This was due to the way the First In Math program was set up, where students moved through the levels based on both their effort and their ability. Providing a team format enabled students of all ability levels to contribute to the success of their team's scores.

I would highly recommend this program for any district.

Yours sincerely,

Wayne S. Watson, Supervisor of Mathematics
Pennridge School District

February 20, 2004
I have received some statistics of student performance on math assessment (IAAT) administered during January 2004, to all 8th graders in pre algebra classes at Kimpton Middle School in the Stow-Munroe Falls School District.

Overall the scores are higher in many cases than they have been in the past 6 years. The only change in curriculum materials prevalent with this group of students is the First in Math computer online game. Today two of our 8th grade teachers summarized the results of the students' scores to me in a meeting stating that students playing First in Math are not afraid to compute and or calculate without a calculator and therefore they are more successful in a testing situation. These students are making connections and the IAAT (algebra aptitude) scores are increasing dramatically. The overall 8th grade performance has remarkably improved. We attribute this to the two school years that our students have been able to access First in Math, both in the classroom and online, when away from the school building.

On a side note – the factoring gym is a favorite of our students! They love it.

Thank you again for providing this fun and engaging academic activity for Kimpton students.


Dorene Ellis, Assistant Math Chairperson
Stow-Munroe Falls Schools
Munroe Falls, Ohio


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"I'm overwhelmed by the enthusiastic response from my students and their parents. My students have never been more excited about math, and I am extremely grateful for that!"

Irina Zaman
Gheorghe Titeica MS
Drobeta Turnu-Severin, Romania