Schools Generate Enthusiasm for Math by Celebrating Achievement

Schools Generate Enthusiasm for Math by Celebrating Achievement

PHILADELPHIA, PA—Across the School District of Philadelphia, and indeed across the nation, many schools who participate in the First In Math® Online Program are cheering on fellow teachers and students. On January 22, Morris E. Leeds Middle School held a small award ceremony to celebrate its success in the program. Principal Stephanie Mitchell says that her school's FIM teams currently average a whopping 59,000 stickers each—certainly a cause for celebration. Leeds is currently is #4 in the nation and #2 in the School District of Philadelphia in the Top Schools rankings category.


Pictured left to right: Dawn Dougherty; FIM Ambassador Cred Dobson; Joshua Bolden; Kevandrew Lee; Adrian Smith; Rahiem Paige; Jasmine Jenkins and Principal Stephanie Mitchell.

Mitchell recently accepted an award as Principal of the Most Improved First in Math School. (see related story) No stranger to awards himself, AMY Northwest Principal Marco Zanoni held a similar ceremony on January 25 to salute top students, teachers and teams at his school. AMY is currently is #3 in the nation and #1 in the School District of Philadelphia in the Top Schools rankings category. First In Math Ambassador Cred Dobson attended both events, and was inspired by the enthusiasm for math at both schools.


Pictured left to right: Technology Teacher Leader Sheryl Engle; Amir Winston; Tia Watts; Jasmine Wiley; Brianne Pinnock; Alexander Perez; Principal Marco R. Zanoni; SDP Director of Student Placement Le Tretta Jones and Assistant Regional Superintendent Jack Hamilton.

It's that kind of enthusiasm that makes First In Math creator Robert Sun smile. "When mathematics achievement is recognized and celebrated, it can lead to a dramatic change in the dynamic of a school's mathematics environment, helping to build the desire to excel in math," says Sun.

Zanoni, who checks his school's Team and Individual Rankings on the site daily, wholeheartedly agrees. "Recognition does spur students on to greater mathematics achievement. Innovative features such as the 'Player of the Day' and 'Player of the Week' are incorporated into the program, making it easy for Teachers and Principals to recognize individual and Team effort.” Zanoni also donated an Apple iPod® that was awarded to AMY’s top player, Amir Winston, by SDP Director of Student Placement Le Tretta Jones.

"It is good that we encourage the kind of friendly competition the First In Math program can provide—as long as we make sure students enjoy themselves in the process," reminds Sun, who firmly believes that math should be presented as an engaging and fascinating activity. "We do not encourage linking FIM to grades, homework, etc. The ultimate goal I hope we all share as math educators is to hear our children say, 'I love math' and know that they really mean it.”

Photo copyright Matt Seaver-Studio XI Photography

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