Dynamic First In Math Assembly Held at Billabong High International School

Dynamic First In Math Assembly Held at Billabong High International School

GHAZIABAD, INDIA-On January 16, 2012, First In Math® Online Program Implementation Strategist Monica Patel conducted a motivational FIM student assembly at Billabong High International School. The event was organized by Jasmine Gandhi, the Director of BHIS, and FIM's own India-based Implementation Consultant, Akshita Gandhi.


Left to right: FIM Implementation Consultant Akshita Gandhi; BHIS Principal Dimple Anil; FIM Global Implementation Strategist Monica Patel; Director of BHIS Jasmine Gandhi; Simran Sapra and Mr. Imtiaz, Head of Sanchetna Center for Special Needs at BHIS.

"I was thrilled to receive a traditional Indian welcome from the Principal and staff, complete with the ceremonial lamp, flowers and tilak," says Patel. The children's chorus sang the school song and presented a folio of the Agenda for the afternoon. After meeting with new principal Dimple Anil, Patel was given a tour of Sanchetna, the school's Learning Center for Special Needs in Education.

The assembly was attended by standards 3 through 5, as well as teachers and supervisors of curriculum. Patel covered four main topics, because she considers successful implementation to be a four-step process.

"First, address the question many students ask themselves, 'Why should I do maths?' Next, find ways to crush the 'maths anxiety' that most students feel by tailoring FIM to their comfort level. The third step in the process is for educators to relate compelling stories of other FIM Champions and give their students the same lofty goal-which is to be among the Top International schools and inspire all Indian students to follow. Finally, educators must show students how to reach for this goal while maintaining a level of enjoyment with the process," explains Patel.

The added benefit is that this four-step process transfers the ownership of maths practice to the students-where it belongs, says Patel. (Only one month later, with a renewed focus, BHIS students increased their school average from 378 stickers-per-student to 775 stickers-per-student!)

Patel's remarks were kept brief so that students could ask questions. They were thrilled when the answer to their first question, 'Can you speak Hindi?' was given in Hindi, the national language. Students talked about some of their favorite modules, such as Just the Facts, Know & Show and Bonus Games, and excitedly promised Patel that they would continue exploring the FIM world. Currently, more than 300 BHIS students are enrolled in the FIM Online Program.

After a heartwarming farewell speech by a representative of the student body, a delicious North Indian lunch was served with utmost hospitality. First In Math's ability to engage students, and translate ownership of maths practice, was discussed in more detail afterward with School Anchor Shilpi Sharma and Anu Parabhakar, BHIS supervisor of curriculum.

Patel left the school very impressed with what she saw. "The teachers held their students to the highest standards of conduct, which was evidenced by the respectful, yet warm interaction of the students with me and with our consultant, Ms. Gandhi."

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