C.W. Henry School Students Show What They Know!

C.W. Henry School Students Show What They Know!

PHILADELPHIA, PA—Charles W. Henry Elementary School held a special Awards Assembly on May 5, 2008 for students who reached specific targets in the First In Math® Online Program. Students who completed their assigned "Know & Show" module prior to taking the Pennsylvania State System of Assessment (PSSA) math tests were rewarded with certificates, First In Math lanyards and more.


LEFT: Jennifer Hawkins and Principal Caren Trantas (holding lanyards) posed with each group of students as they received their awards. RIGHT: Cred Dobson congratulates one of Henry's top players, 4th grader Tiana Garvin.

"The Know & Show modules on the FIM site are simply a great place for students to practice the kinds of rigorous questions they will have to face on standardized tests," explains School Based Math Teacher Leader Jennifer Hawkins. "The kids actually have fun answering the questions, which is great, but they are building problem-solving skills at the same time."

The K-8 school expanded to 16 First In Math Teams this year, and has been using the program since it's introduction into the School District of Philadelphia in 2004. In 2004, 55.4% of Henry's fifth-graders were at the "Proficient & Above" level set by No Child Left Behind standards. By 2005, 71.1% had achieved that benchmark—an increase of 15.7 percentage points. Eigth-graders rose by 19.5 percentage points. "Our instruction is child-centered and developmentally appropriate, and the First In Math program fits right in with our standard curriculum, since each child can progress at his or her own level," says Hawkins.

Located in the historic Mt. Airy section of Philadelphia, C.W. Henry has always been a school dedicated to excellence. "We have a rich tradition of parental and community involvement here," says Principal Caren Trantas, who helped hand out awards. "I like that students can use the First In Math program at home, and involve their parents in the educational process."

First In Math Ambassador Cred Dobson, who taught math at Henry from 1986 to 2002, also attended the assembly. "It's great to be back here at Henry!" Dobson told the students. "You guys are awesome!"

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