School District of Philadelphia Superintendent Dr. Arlene Ackerman Joins Robert Sun To Present Awards at Third Annual City-wide First In Math Event

School District of Philadelphia Superintendent Dr. Arlene Ackerman Joins Robert Sun To Present Awards at Third Annual City-wide First In Math Event

PHILADELPHIA, PA—Twelve School District of Philadelphia schools are ranked among the Top 100 Schools in the Nation in the First In Math® Online Program. District administrators, principals, teachers, students and parents received special recognition and awards at a district-wide celebration held on June 2 at the ENON Center in Philadelphia. This year, 127 students from all nine of the District's Academic Divisions and Charter Schools were recognized.


Robert Sun and School District of Philadelphia Superintendent Dr. Arlene Ackerman.

School District of Philadelphia Superintendent Dr. Arlene Ackerman joined Associate Superintendent Penny Nixon and Robert Sun, creator of the First In Math® Online Program, to present awards. Ackerman also addressed the crowd, encouraging students to place a high value on their education as a path to future success.

Sun, who attended school in Philadelphia as a child, says that meeting inner-city youngsters who are motivated to achieve is so rewarding. "Philadelphia students are bright, focused and genuinely excited to receive recognition for their academic efforts."

Cred Dobson, retired Mathematics Academic Coach for the District's Northwest Region (now Academic Division 7) agrees, saying that FIM is a perfect fit for Philadelphia. "Data points to the fact that schools performing well in the First In Math® program have consistently led the way during the District's eight-year upward trend in PSSA scores—from 19.5% Proficient and Above in 2002 to 56.6% in 2010."

Wilson Middle School is home to the Top-ranked Team in the District. Principal Gayle Davis points out that Team GEODE84PA was also ranked 16th in the Nation, All Grades, when competition ended on April 29, 2011.


Photos, left to right: Dale Apple, Technology teacher, and LaTonya Miller, AD-9 Instructional Support Officer, pose with Lewis C. Cassidy Academics Plus students. An Anne Frank ES student waits excitedly for her name to be called. Penny Nixon poses with students from AMY Northwest.

The First In Math program currently includes more than 1.2 million students playing on more than 55,000 online teams in 45 states. The proven mathematics supplement employs Deep Practice techniques to deliver fluency in core subject areas, while advancing higher-order thinking skills such as mental math, problem solving, pattern sensing, reasoning and number sense. Substantive and engaging content, ranging from Addition to Algebra, benefits students needing remediation or enrichment. The program's Internet-based design and its unique competition element makes First In Math® a very popular curriculum supplement among elementary and middle schools nationwide.


School District of Philadelphia Associate Superintendent Penny Nixon, wearing her trademark smile, enjoys presenting awards at the district event for the second year in a row.

Click here to see additional photos of the 2011 SDP award ceremony!

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