New Mexico District Honors Top First In Math Students

New Mexico District Honors Top First In Math Students

ALAMOGORDO, NM—The Alamogordo School Board’s February 17 public meeting was more crowded and exciting than usual, thanks to several very special guests. Parents, grandparents and siblings clapped as Dr. Jann Hunter, Director of Curriculum & Instruction, presented the top-ranked student from each of the district’s 12 First In Math® schools with a gold medal.


According to Suntex International Vice President Barbara Asteak, the Alamogordo Public School District was one of the first in the country to employ the First In Math program’s Family Link™ component in all of its schools. Asteak, who attended the meeting to help present awards, praised the district’s leadership in the area of family involvement. Dr. Hunter also believes that family outreach is very important. “We definitely see value in giving parents the opportunity to brush up on their math skills and enjoy the First In Math Online Program, just like their children,” says Hunter.

Alamogordo firefighter, Robert Moffitt, is the #6-ranked Family Link parent in the nation. His daughter, Mackenzie, (front, center in above photo) who attends Chaparral MS, is the #1 player in the state of New Mexico! Who gets dibs on the family computer? “Luckily,” says Mackenzie’s mom, “we have two computers in the house.”

Honored Schools/Students are: Academy Del Sol - Dillon Francis-Peacock; Alamogordo HS - Brent Ahrens; Chaparral MS - Makenzie Moffitt; Holloman MS - Hanna Stitzer; Mountain View ES - Jonathon Littell; Buena Vista ES - Seth Torres; Heights ES - Jeffery Barnwell; High Rolls Mtn. Park ES - Trenton Tapley; North ES - Alissa Gonzalez; Oregon ES - Brittany Hymer; Sacramento ES - Pablo Ramirez; Yucca ES - Isa Vasquez

After the presentation, students gathered to take photographs and talk about the program. ‘We like First In Math because it’s FUN,’ was the loud consensus. The new Equal Time bonus game and the always-popular Ten Wheels bonus game were named most popular with the assembled group.

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