Inventor Makes A "House-Call" to Check Progress Of Georgetown Day School Classrooms

Inventor Makes A "House-Call" to Check Progress Of Georgetown Day School Classrooms

WASHINGTON, DC—Stunned looks transformed into broad smiles as First In Math® creator Robert Sun paid "surprise" visits to several Georgetown Day School classrooms on February 28. Sun, along with Suntex Executive Vice President Nan Ronis, spoke to students and handed out FIM lanyards to some of the school's top players. FIM Team Leader and Lower School Math Coordinator Mary Lou Berres was also singled out for special recognition.
"Put simply, the games help kids learn," says Berres. "For example, students are exposed to decimals and geometry in Know & Show, so they are much more capable when they see it in my class." Students report that Shape Shuffle and Grand Slam are among their favorite activities, but tell Berres they love the Know & Show module because it gives them hints to help them solve the problems on their own. "How many other programs encourage students to think and be self-reliant?" asks Berres.

GDS offers a challenging academic program, and is very selective about its technology purchases. "I review available products each year, and recommend FIM for funding due to its breadth of content and design," says Lower/Middle School Technology Coordinator Marti Weston, confirming the value of the program. "We use First In Math in grades one through five, and every year more girls and more minority students are participating," says Lower School Assistant Principal Rose Bednar.

"It was a lot of fun to see the kids get so excited about Mr. Sun's visit," says Julie Chlopecki, mother of two students at the small school and long-time supporter of the First In Math program. Assistant Principal Bednar agrees. "We originally planned to hold a school-wide assembly to honor our school's #2 all-grades ranking in the District of Columbia, but I think the students enjoyed the personal time with Mr. Sun even more."

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