SAHIBABAD, INDIA—Apr 21, 2018 was a special day as the first Formal Induction Programme for Classes Pre-Nursery to III and PTM for Classes IV - XII created a unique connect between parents and teachers. A First In Math® (FIM) Online program Year-End Awards Ceremony was especially organised to appreciate the outstanding efforts of students and parents of Classes KG to V.

Principal Mrs. Seema Jerath presents the First in Math Family Achievement Award
to the Kumar family players!
“Where Maths is a dreaded subject for most schools, our learners engage excitedly with the online programme First In Math,” says DLFPS Principal Ms. Seema Jerath – a winner of several National Leadership awards. “What is a delight to share is, as a collective effort the school continues to remain the No. 1 school across India and at No. 2 Internationally, second to a school in Florida. This year our young learners solved a whopping 1 crore 12 lakhs plus problems—an average of 10,207 solved per child.”
On the FIM dashboard DLFPS has the longest Wall of Fame in the world, with the largest number of Champions & Grand Champions. While 30 Delfites were awarded FIM Most Valuable Player Badges, Daksh Kumar, Class II, was felicitated with a commendation certificate for solving more than 1 lacs 10 thousand problem. He is in 3rd place on National Rankings. Out of the top 100 highest scoring families across India, 13 positions are held by parents of DLFPS on National Top Family Players.
Principal Jerath explains that First In Math’s self-directed and joyful learning lets the students take ownership and control of their learning processes. This is an affirmation of the transformational culture of the school where there is no fear of Math! Delfites don’t do these sums out of fear or for marks. They do it for the sheer fun of Maths!
“I am deeply moved by this,” says First In Math India Pvt. Ltd. CEO Monica Patel. “The nurturing environment provided at DLFPS is reflected in the spirit with which students interact with First In Math. Exceptional leaders like Director Dr. Mrignaini, strongly support program leader Ms. Chhavi Kumar who rallied the entire community to success.”
Shared one excited parent, who echoed the sentiments of many at the ceremony, “We are glad that our children have channelized their energy in this fun-learning program and feel very proud of them today as they stand there on the podium receiving award for their efforts, that too in a subject like Math which most of us fear.”